When you want to make an impression that instantly grabs the visitors’ attention, gorgeous plants can do it. And there are so many other benefits that can come with expertly delivered office plant services. They can help to create an environment where employees and customers feel welcome. And when your employees enjoy the space they’re in, the difference can be like night and day. This is one of the reasons why Billy Heroman’s Plantscaping offers the best plantscaping and management services in Baton Rouge. Because we know the difference gorgeous plants can make in an office space, and we want your business to experience it, too. Learn more about the advantages that can come with our professional plantscaping services. See what they can bring to your place of business.

How Plants Benefit Business Environments

As a business owner, you may be thinking, “Plants can be beautiful, but do they offer any other advantages outside of their looks?” And the answer is yes! The professional plantscaping services of Billy Heroman’s Plants can elevate your office’s look. But there are also some potential advantages that you may not know about.

What Plants Can Provide

  • Increased Productivity. This actually makes sense when you think about it. Imagine working in a drab and dull office environment. Sure, the work gets done. But it’s probably not going to be a space where people feel inspired to do more. However, when employees work in an office that feels bright and welcoming, it can have a positive impact on your bottom line. A 2014 study conducted in the UK investigated the subject. And the results found that adding plants to a “lean” work environment brought the benefit of potentially increasing productivity. And the measured productivity bump went as high as a 15-percent increase!
  • Plants Can Improve Air Quality. In addition to brightening the day of your employees and visitors, some plants can also help purify the air in your office. A common problem in many buildings these days is indoor air pollution. And a lack of airflow, along with the presence of irritating chemicals in furniture and carpet, can make this issue even worse. In 1989, NASA found that indoor plants could absorb many of these pollutants, including viruses, bacteria, and harmful chemicals. And this can translate to happier, healthier indoor spaces. At Billy Heroman’s Plantscaping, we understand the important role plants play in improving air quality. And we can provide your place of business with beautiful botanicals also known to promote cleaner air.
  • They’ve Been Found to Reduce Stress. Many offices can be quite busy, and this can often lead to increased stress among employees. However, a 2019  study found that “having opportunities to gaze intentionally at nearby plants on a daily basis […] can reduce the psychological and physiological stress of office workers.” And this can be especially helpful for those in high-stress positions and industries.

Find Expert Plant Office Services to Meet Your Company’s Needs at Billy Heroman’s Plantscaping

Want to see the difference plants can make in your office? Call Billy Heroman’s Plantscaping today at  225-272-9051. We can’t wait to transform your workplace with gorgeous plants that can also bring plenty of additional benefits.